Your Featured Healthy Recipe: Gingerbread French Toast

Gingerbread French Toast

Wake up to the delightful aromas of cinnamon and ginger. This recipe for gingerbread French toast is perfect for breakfast.


  • 2 Nutri-Springs Farms eggs
  • ½ cup Organic Meadow milk
  • 1 tsp. Clef des Champs cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. Clef des Champs Ginger
  • ¼ tsp. Clef des Champs Allspice
  • 3-4 slices Ezekiel 4:9 Whole grain bread
  • As needed: Butter to grease your pan


  1. Break 2 eggs into a bowl.
  2. Pour milk into a two-cup measuring cup until it reaches the line for ½ cup. Add to the milk: eggs, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice and whisk until it is one color.
  3. Pour the mixture into a shallow pie pan or dish. Dip both sides of bread until it is soaked. Place wet bread on a plate.
  4. Place frying pan on medium heat and add some butter. Spread it around pan until melted.
  5. Place soaked bread in hot pan and cook until it is brown underneath. Flip bread and cook on other side until brown.
  6. Serve hot, plain or with syrup, applesauce, or fruit.

Don’t forget…

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