Make You Own Food Based, Natural Easter Egg Dyes!

Natural Easter Egg Dyes

Making your own Easter egg dye is easy and fun for the whole family. It’s entirely possible to emulate interesting colours using simple, readily available ingredients which you may already have in your kitchen! Have fun with your kids this Easter and get inspired with these colour ideas.


You will need:

  • A dozen (or more) hard boiled eggs {brown or white}
  • Egg carton(s)
  • Small pots
  • White Vinegar
  • Small Mason Jars or cups


For Brown Eggs:

“Rustic Pottery Grunge”

  1. Combine 1 cup red onion skins and 2 tsp paprika
  2. Simmer in 2 cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  3. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar

 “Rusty Orange”

  1. Simmer 1 tbsp. ground turmeric in 2 cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  2. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar

 “Midnight Galaxy”

  1. Simmer ¼ head of red cabbage cut into chunks in 3 ½ cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  2. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar


For White Eggs:

“Pastel Yellow”

  1. Simmer ½ tbsp. ground turmeric in 2 cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  2. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar

“Pastel Orange”

  1. Combine 1 tbsp. ground turmeric and 1 tsp cayenne powder
  2. Simmer in 2 cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  3. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar

“Pastel Blue”

  1. Simmer 4 cups chopped red cabbage in 2 cups of water for 15-30 minutes
  2. Strain and add 1 tbsp of white vinegar



Begin by hard boiling you eggs (10 minutes). Cool them down in cold water bath and then scrub gently under a stream of water to remove any residue that will prevent your dye from sticking.

You can draw designs on your eggs with a piece of wax or crayons. These will be visible after dyeing. You can also wrap rubber bands around your eggs to make a tie dye result.

When preparing your dye, the hue in your pot should be a few shades darker that the shade you desire on your eggs. Results will vary… Which is part of the fun with natural dyes.

Place your hard boiled and designed eggs in mason jars or cups. Once your dyes have cooked and cooled, pour your dyes into the jars/ cups with your eggs, allow them to sit and infuse in the fridge. For the best results, let them sit in the natural dye overnight.

You can even mix your dyes to create other cool colours!

Once you’ve reached the colour you desire, set the dyed eggs in your egg carton to dry.


Happy Earth-Friendly Easter!